Friday, February 7, 2025

Joshua Bishop, Georgia

Joshua Bishop, Georgia

March 31, 2016

Joshua BishopJoshua Daniel Bishop was executed by the state of Georgia on Thursday, March 31, 2016. Joshua was pronounced dead at 9:27 pm local time, inside the execution chamber at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson, Georgia. The execution was delayed several hours due to appeals. Joshua was 41 years of age. He was convicted of murdering 44-year-old Leverett Lewis Morrison on June 9, 1994, in Baldwin County, Georgia.  Joshua spent the last 20 years of his life on Georgia’s death row.

Joshua had a difficult childhood. He never knew his father. His mother was an occasional prostitute, who taught Joshua that a man used violence to show his love. Joshua was addicted to drugs and alcohol from childhood. On the night of the murder, Joshua had been drinking.  Joshua also argued that when he confessed, he was high on cocaine and had been drinking.

On June 9, 1994, Leverett Morrison drove Joshua Bishop and Mark Braxley to a local bar. They all left the bar together around 11:00 pm and went to Braxley’s trailer. Bishop and Braxley had decided to steal Leverett’s car while they were at the bar. While Leverett was sleeping, Bishop reached into Leverett’s pocket to retrieve the keys. Bishop’s actions caused Leverett to awaken, at which point Bishop began to beat Leverett with a blunt object. When Leverett was no longer conscious, Bishop took the keys.

When Bishop and Braxley realized Leverett was dead, they wrapped his body and placed it in the car. They drove to a dumpster, where they left the body, before driving the car into the woods and setting it on fire. They then returned to Braxley’s trailer and tried to dispose of evidence. Leverett’s body was discovered several hours later.

Police eventually arrested Bishop and Braxley and both confessed to murdering Leverett. Bishop also confessed to his involvement in the murder of Ricky Lee Wills. Ricky was murdered approximately two weeks before Leverett. Bishop told police that they could find Ricky’s body buried near Braxley’s trailer.

Bishop and Braxley were both indicted for Ricky’s murder, however, as part of a plea deal, charges were dropped against Braxley. Braxley received a life sentence for his part in the murder of Leverett. Bishop received a sentence of death.

Please pray for peace and healing for the families of Leverett Morrison and Ricky Willis. Please pray for strength for the family of Joshua Bishop.

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