February 27, 2025
JOB 17-18
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Focus Verse For Today: Job 17:11-12
In our continuing study of the hardship faced by Job, we are also examining his friends, who show how not to offer comfort to a friend who is suffering. Job’s friends did not truly comprehend the situation. They did not truly comprehend the plan of the Lord. And, most importantly, they did not stop and seek out the Lord before speaking.
Take a few minutes to pray, asking God to share His wisdom with you concerning today’s journey through Job. Read Job 17-18 and let our journey begin.
Job 17-18: Job is speaking as we start our journey today. Job recognized that those who criticized him (his friends) did not understand what was happening. Job suffered, Job was disappointed in his friends, Job was confused, not knowing where God was during his time of calamity and despair: however, Job sought the desire of his heart amid his calamity and despair, Job surrendered his life’s destiny to God. Job expected night to be turned into day. Bildad the Shuhite, a friend of Job, did not understand Job’s circumstances and used the power of strong language as a fear tactic to coerce Job to admit that he was living a sin-filled life. Bildad did not perceive Job had no secret sin he was trying to keep from God. Bildad could not understand that Job needed encouragement and not criticism because Bildad looked at Job’s circumstances and not at Job himself. In fairness to Bildad, it appears that Jewish people of that time viewed a person’s closeness to God based on that person’s material blessings. In light of the fact that all of Job’s family and possessions were taken, it appeared that God was chastening Job. Bildad relied on his own understanding rather than seeking the counsel of God. (Job 17:1-18:21)
Our focus verse shares Job’s heart:
11My days have passed, my plans are shattered.
Yet the desires of my heart
12turn night into day;
in the face of the darkness light is near.
(Job 17:11-12, NIV)
Today’s journey is one of a friend who does not know what to do but chooses to advise his friend anyway. Have you ever counseled someone to discover you didn’t understand your friend’s problem? Have you ever been counseled by someone who didn’t truly understand the source of your problem? Bildad chose to tell Job that he needed to make things right with the Lord. Bildad could have sought the Lord’s help for his friend Job. The latter is a much more effective prayer when you don’t understand. Have you ever been counseled by someone who didn’t truly understand your problem? Have you ever counseled someone to discover you didn’t understand the source of your friend’s problem?
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