Sunday, October 6, 2024
DBR 2024


May 18, 2024

LUKE 3-4
Click here for the reading

Today we return to the only Gentile writer of the Bible: Dr. Luke. Luke looks at the ministry of John the Baptist, leading to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

Take some time with the Lord asking Him for His true meaning of today’s journey through Luke 3-4. Read Luke 3-4. Let’s journey!

Luke is the only Gentile author of a Gospel and he was not an apostle of Jesus Christ. Luke was a well-educated doctor, who carried out careful research, gathering first-hand accounts for his narrative, and traveled extensively with the Apostle Paul. It is thought that the Gospel of Luke was Lukewritten shortly after the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. In addition to writing the Gospel of Luke, he also wrote the book of Acts. Luke wrote in a way that would be accessible for all to read and includes some parables of Jesus Christ not found elsewhere in the Bible. Throughout his Gospel, Luke shows that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament in His way, which was not the way that many, including the religious leader, thought the prophecies would be fulfilled. The same holds true today; we cannot place our expectations and beliefs on Jesus, rather we must first submit ourselves to Him to understand Him and His word.

Luke 3-4: Our journey today begins with John the Baptist’s message of repentance. John’s message was so strong that people from all walks of life came to John for direction and baptism. Before moving on to the ministry of Jesus, Luke traces the genealogy of Christ back to Adam to show that Jesus is the Savior of all; not just the Jew. Jesus is baptized by John and begins His ministry. Jesus fasts in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, to be tempted by Satan at the conclusion of His fast. Jesus did not succumb to temptation. Jesus began His ministry throughout Judea. Jesus is rejected at Nazareth. Jesus drives out an impure spirit. Jesus heals many. Jesus told the people that His purpose in coming was to proclaim the good news. (Luke 3:1-4:44)

As you read today’s reading, make sure that you are not applying the standards and expectations of today’s world to Luke 3 and 4. Rather apply what is written to the standards and expectations of today’s world. Are there areas of your life that are in contradiction to what you have read? Have you truly stopped and meditated upon the meaning of lessons taught in today’s reading? What have you learned?


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