Tuesday, March 4, 2025

William Sallie, Georgia

William Sallie, Georgia

December 6, 2016

William SallieWilliam Cary Sallie was executed by the state of Georgia on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. William was pronounced at 10:05 pm local time, inside the execution chamber at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson, Georgia. The execution was delayed several hours due to appeals. William was 50 years of age. He was convicted of murdering 41-year-old John Lee Moore, on March 29, 1990, in Bacon County, Georgia. William spent the last 25 years of his life on Georgia’s death row.

In 1985, William left home and joined the US Army. During his time at Fort Stewart, he met and married Robin Moore. In December of 1989, the couple got into an argument and William struck Robin with a belt. The argument and violence led to Robin, and their two-year-old son, moving back in with her parents, sister, and brother.

A short time later, William, under the pretense of visiting with his son, took his son to Illinois. In February of 1990, a court ruled that Robin could take custody of the child and return him to Georgia. William also returned to Georgia, renting a mobile home under a fake name. He also had a friend buy him a handgun.

During the early morning hours of March 29, 2009, William, dressed in camouflage, cut the phone lines to the home of John and Linda Moore, Robin’s parents. William immediately went to the master bedroom and fired six times at John, ultimately killing him. William fired at Linda, hitting her thumb, shoulder, and both thighs. He handcuffed Linda and her 10-year-old son Justin to each other and the bed rail.

William then abducted Robin and her 17-year-old sister, April, leaving his young son behind. He took the two women to his mobile home, where he sexually assaulted them. The two women were released the next day. Williams was convicted of murder, aggravated assault, kidnapping with bodily injury, burglary, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. He was sentenced to death on May 2, 1991.

Please pray for peace and healing for the family of John Moore. Please pray for the family of William Sallie.

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