Monday, March 31, 2025
DBR 2024


February 23, 2024

ISAIAH 40-44
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Today, our journey continues through the prophetic book of Isaiah, contrasting faith in God against idol worship.

Take a few minutes to ask God to guide you through our journey of Isaiah 40-44 today. While you are talking with God share what’s on your mind. Pray for a friend. Pray for issues plaguing our society. Ask God for His direction. Now read Isaiah 40-44. Let’s journey together.

Following Solomon’s death, the Kingdom of Israel was split in two; Judah, in the south, consisted of two tribes and remained under the control of Solomon’s son Rehoboam, while Israel, to the north, consisted of the remaining ten tribes and came under the control of Jeroboam. The split occurred around 930 BC. During the nearly 200 years in between the split and the writing of Isaiah, the two nations were often at war. Throughout the book of Isaiah, the prophet offers both messages of coming judgment and of hope for redemption.

IsaiahIsaiah 40-44: Our journey today begins with the prophecy of John the Baptist’s call for the children of Israel to repent of their sin and return to the worship of their God, the only true God. The children of Israel are weary waiting for God’s deliverance and of their continued failure to repent from their sinful ways. God expresses Himself to Isaiah as Israel’s Redeemer, challenging all other nations and their false gods. The false gods were challenged to predict the future and were unable to do so. While the true God, the God of Israel, the Redeemer, delivers them from the hands of their oppressors and their false gods as He opens His arms to the refugees to Israel seeking His peace. God is sending a servant to restore justice to the nations. The servant is Jesus the Christ. God chastised Israel for failing to recognize God for who God is: The only true God! God does not tolerate idol worship, then or now. God tells Israel, through Isaiah, that He is Israel’s only Savior. God asks Israel what He is going to do with them, a spiritually deaf and blind nation. God chooses to save them. God’s love for us, as it is for His people Israel, is incomprehensible. He not only forgives our sins. He forgets our sins. God confirms that Israel is His chosen people Everyone has a choice. Everyone will choose either the Lord or an idol. God then goes into a discourse explaining the source of idols and their powerlessness. In closing this chapter of Isaiah the Lord confirms that Jerusalem shall be restored. (Isaiah 40:1-44:28)

Read chapters 40 through 44 and ask yourself these questions: Are there false idols in your life? What is most important to you? What warning of judgment is Isaiah giving? What message of hope is Isaiah giving?


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