February 19, 2025
PSALMS 21-23
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Focus Verses For Today: Psalm 22:22-24
It is once again time to journey through the book of Psalms, containing many praises to the Lord. The book also contains many prayers to the Lord, both prayers of desperation and prayers of joy. We experience all three in today’s reading!
Take a moment to pray, asking God to reveal His true meaning of Psalms 21-23 to you. Take whatever else may be on your mind to Him while you are in prayer. Now take a moment to read Psalms 21-23, and our journey for today begins!
Psalms 21-23: In our first psalm, David sings praises to the Lord for providing him with victory over the Lord’s enemies. To David, the Lord’s enemies are David’s enemies. David seeks unity with the Lord’s will and thoughts. David is rewarded by the Lord for David’s relentless pursuit to perfect his relationship with the Lord. In our second psalm, David cries out in distress over, what he perceives to be, the Lord forsaking him. David, like Job, cries out to the Lord, telling God that he, David, has been loyal to the Lord since the moment of his birth. David never entertains forsaking the Lord and David reminds God of this. Psalm 23 may be the most well-known Psalm. Simply stated it speaks of total security in the Lord. The Lord’s followers will have no reason to fear because they are in His (the Lord’s) presence. David speaks of the Lord’s correction (rod and staff) as a blessing. The Lord cares for our physical needs. David acknowledges eternal life. (Psalm 21:1-23:6)
Our focus verses for today:
22I will declare your name to my people;
in the assembly I will praise you.
23You who fear the Lord, praise him!
All you descendants of Jacob, honor him!
Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!
24For he has not despised or scorned
the suffering of the afflicted one;
he has not hidden his face from him
but has listened to his cry for help.
(Psalm 22:22-24, NIV)
David tells the Lord that he will declare the glory of the Lord to his people regardless of his current circumstance. David has a relationship, a serious relationship with the Lord. Have you ever considered your relationship with the Lord? Our Journey through the Bible in a Year will allow us to examine our relationship with the Lord. King David is a favorite because, although few of us ever become kings, King David’s life showcases his struggle with family issues, King David’s shortcomings as a human, King David’s struggle with sin, but more important than all of that – it showcases the Lord as the Rock upon which King David ruled his life. King David had choices, just like you and I, and King David chose to genuinely allow the Lord to be Lord of his life. Consider your relationship with the Lord. Does your relationship with the Lord include every area of your life? Are there areas of your life that you are not allowing the Lord to govern? Now take a moment to seek the Lord’s guidance in growing your relationship with Him.
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