Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Brandon Jones, Georgia

Brandon Jones, Georgia

February 3, 2016

Brandon JonesBrandon Astor Jones was executed on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, by the state of Georgia. He was pronounced dead at 12:46 am local time, inside the execution chamber at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson, Georgia. Brandon was 72 years of age. He was executed for murdering 29-year-old Roger Tackett on June 17, 1979, in Cobb County, Georgia. Brandon spent the last 36 years of his life on Georgia’s death row.

Brandon was the oldest inmate on Georgia’s death row at the time of his execution. He was scheduled to be executed at 7 pm local time, on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, however, his execution was delayed several hours due to appeals and difficultly locating a vein.

At 11:20 pm on June 16, 1979, Roger Tackett, the manager of a Tenneco convenience store, arrived to close it for the night. Roger remained late that night after all the employees left to complete some paperwork.

Around 1:45 am, Cobb County Police Officer Kendall drove a stranded motorist to use the payphone at the store. Officer Kendall observed a car, belonging to Roger, in front of the store with the driver’s-side door open.  Lights were also still on inside of the store. Officer Kendall walked towards the store and observed, through the window, Brandon Jones in the storeroom doorway. 

Officer Kendall entered through the unlocked front door and heard three shots. He announced himself as police and ordered everybody out. When Officer Kendall received no response, he entered the storeroom. He found Jones and Van Roosevelt Solomon standing. Officer Kendall searched the men and handcuffed Jones.  He then placed Solomon in his police car, as he only had one set of handcuffs. He also radioed for backup.

A private security guard was the first to arrive and assist Officer Kendall. Officer Kendall and the private security guard re-entered the store and used a crowbar to break into the storeroom, which had locked when the door shut. Inside, they found Roger, who had been shot five times in the back. He died after a bullet penetrated his brain. Officer Kendall also found two guns and multiple bullets in the storeroom. The cash drawer had also been placed in a plastic bag. Burglary tools and holsters for the weapons and bullets were found in the vehicle Jones and Solomon had driven that night.

Both men were convicted and sentenced to death. Solomon was executed on February 20, 1985.

Please pray for peace and healing for the family of Roger Tackett. Please pray for the family of Brandon Jones. 

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