Thursday, March 6, 2025

John Middleton, Missouri

John Middleton, Missouri

John MiddletonJohn C. Middleton was executed by the state of Missouri on July 16, 2014. He was pronounced dead at 7:26 pm local time, inside the execution chamber of the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic, and Corrections Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri. John was 54 years of age. He was executed for the murder of Alfred Pinegar on June 23, 1995. Although never tried or convicted, it is believed that John was also responsible for the murders of Randy “Happy” Hamilton and Stacey Hodge on June 11, 1995. All three were murdered in Harrison County, Missouri.

John had a difficult childhood, as his father spent time in jail for burglary and his mother was an inhalant abuser. John began using drugs at a young age and became addicted. He spent time in prison in Iowa. Before serving time in Iowa, John worked as a farm laborer. At the time of the murders, John was a drug dealer.

Please pray for peace and healing for the families of Randy, Stacey, and Alfred. Please pray for the family of John Middleton.

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