Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Samuel Lopez Executed in Arizona

Samuel Lopez, Arizona

Samuel LopezArizona executed Samuel Villegas Lopez on June 27, 2012. Samuel was pronounced dead at 10:37 am local time, inside the execution chamber at the Central Unit at the Arizona State Prison Complex – Florence, in Florence, Arizona. Samuel Lopez was 49 years of age. He was convicted of and executed for the murder of 59-year-old Estafana Holmes on October 29, 1986, at her home in Phoenix, Arizona. Samuel spent the last 25 years of his life on death row in Arizona.

Samuel Lopez’s childhood was difficult. Sometimes he was homeless and slept in cemeteries. Samuel dropped out of school in the ninth grade. He soon became addicted to sniffing paint.

Please pray for peace and healing for the family of Estafana Holmes. Please pray for the family of Samuel.

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