Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Men’s Health Month

Who is the most influential man in your life? No, seriously. Think about it! It doesn’t have to be your father or even a relative. He can even be someone younger than you. What man has made a difference in your life? How would you feel if that man was suddenly ripped away from you – forever! How would you feel if you knew that his death could have been prevented?

According to the Center for Disease Control, eight out of the top ten leading causes of death (heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, pneumonia/flu, suicide, homicide, and HIV/AIDS), men have a higher rate of death than women. Alzheimer’s is the only ailment where women are more likely to die, and men and women have a nearly equal chance of dying from a stroke. Some refer to these statistics as the Silent Health Crisis.

Women will, on average, live five years longer than men By the age of 100 women outnumber men 8 to 1. This is likely due to the far greater willingness of women, to have annual exams, which can detect health problems earlier, allowing treatment to be more effective. That’s right men – your tough macho act can actually kill you!

So this month, men get yourself checked out! Make an appointment and talk to a doctor about that nagging problem you have been ignoring! Nothing is off-limits when you talk to a doctor about your health. Because never forget – to someone, YOU are that inspirational man!

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