Friday, February 7, 2025

Former Texas Death Row Inmate Clinton Young

Clinton Young, Texas

Updated: Friday, October 6, 2023

Clinton YoungClinton Young’s 2017 execution was stayed eight days before it was scheduled to be carried out by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Young argued in his appeals that one of his coconspirators, David Page, testified against Young in exchange for a lighter sentence. This plea deal was not properly disclosed at Young’s trial. Page testified that Young shot the two people. Young claims that he did not shoot anyone. New DNA evidence throws into question Page’s testimony, which has changed throughout the years.

In 2021, Young’s conviction was overturned by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals after it was discovered that a prosecutor in Young’s initial trial, Ralph Petty, was also secretly working as a paid law clerk for two judges who were presiding over the case. By working as a law clerk, Ralph had access to confidential information that could have given him an unfair advantage. In addition, by working as a law clerk for the presiding judges, Clinton’s right to an impartial and fair trial was violated.

This resulted in Young’s release from prison in 2022, after spending nearly 20 years on death row. In August 2022, Young was reindicted for one of the murders and the Texas Attorney General’s office plans to again seek the death penalty. Young has now filed a federal civil rights lawsuit for violating his right to a fair trial

September 26, 2017

Clinton Lee “Clint” Young is scheduled to be executed at 6 pm local time, on Thursday, October 26, 2017, at the Walls Unit of the Huntsville State Penitentiary in Huntsville, Texas. Thirty-four-year-old Clinton is convicted of the murder of 41-year-old Doyle Douglas and 52-year-old Samuel Petrey in late November of 2001, in Midland County, Texas. Clinton has spent the last 14 years of his life on Texas’ death row.

Clinton was allegedly physically abused by his father and stepfather while growing up. He dropped out of high school in the 12th grade. He allegedly suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Prior to his arrest, Clinton worked in construction, as an iron worker, a carpet layer, and a general laborer.

On November 24, 2001, Clinton Young, along with Doyle Douglas, Mark Ray, David Lee Page, Jr., and Darnell McCoy, drove to Longview, Texas to purchase marijuana. Doyle was the driver and owner of the vehicle that the group drove in. Upon arriving at the location where they were going to purchase marijuana, David approached the residence. After knocking on the door and receiving no response, he returned to the vehicle. Doyle opened his door and slid his seat forward to let David return to the back seat. While David was re-entering the vehicle, Young, who was seated in the front passenger seat, pulled out a .22 caliber semiautomatic handgun. Young announced that he needed the vehicle and proceeded to shoot Doyle twice in the head.

Young threatened the remainder of the group and ordered them to place Doyle’s body in the trunk of the vehicle. Once done, he ordered everyone back in the vehicle and drove away. He stopped to dispose of Doyle’s body in a creek, where he also forced Mark to shoot Doyle again in the head. They then drove to a motel, where Young and Mark told a friend how they killed Doyle. Young then dropped Darnell off at his home, but forced David to stay out of fear that David would go to the police.

Young became concerned someone would recognize the vehicle he was driving as Doyle’s. They noticed a white pickup truck at the grocery store and approached the owner under the pretense of asking for directions. Young then pulled a gun on the owner, Samuel Petrey. Young ordered Samuel into the vehicle. Then Young drove away with Samuel, while David drove off in Douglas’ car. Young and David abandoned Doyle’s car in an isolated location. Young shot the car several times, claiming that he was attempting to blow it up.

After learning of warrants out for their arrest, Young and David decided to get rid of the evidence. Young also said to Samuel, “Sorry, Sam, you know too much. You got to die.” Young then proceeded to shoot Samuel twice in the head. In an attempt to remove blood from the vehicle, David poured soda over it. David pleaded with Young to let him go and Young eventually relented. After being released, David turned himself in to the police. Young was arrested a short time later while driving Samuel’s truck. Young resisted arrest, leading police on a high-speed chase, until he was eventually caught.

Please pray for peace and healing for the families of Doyle Douglas and Samuel Petrey. Pray for strength for the family of Clinton Young. Please pray that if Clinton is innocent, lacks the competency to be executed, or should not be executed for any reason, that evidence will be presented before his execution. Please pray that Clinton may come to find peace through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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