Friday, February 7, 2025
DBR 2024


February 9, 2024

ISAIAH 29-33
Click here for the reading

Today, our journey continues through the prophetic book of Isaiah. A lot is happening in today’s reading! God’s focus is on Judah, His blessed city Jerusalem, and, of course, His chosen people, Israel.

Take a moment to pray for understanding of Isaiah 29-33; then read it intently. Let’s journey!

Following Solomon’s death, the Kingdom of Israel was split in two; Judah, in the south, consisted of two tribes and remained under the control of Solomon’s son Rehoboam, while Israel, to the north, consisted of the remaining ten tribes and came under the control of Jeroboam. The split occurred around 930 BC. During the nearly 200 years in between the split and the writing of Isaiah, the two nations were often at war. Throughout the book of Isaiah, the prophet offers both messages of coming judgment and of hope for redemption.

IsaiahIsaiah 29-33: Judah fails to follow God in all things. God is not a God of compromise. God is a God of order. God is the Creator of all! He knows all things! He knows every thought ever thought! God knows every dream ever dreamed! Nothing that is done, thought, nothing – not a thing: God knows. He knows everything about all creation: you know the birds and the bees, the flowers and the trees. Everything! Yet Judah tries to hide its sin from God, turning from God. God wants to be actively engaged in our lives. He wants to help us with decision-making. Rather than turn to God, Judah turned to Egypt for help. Egypt’s help turned out to be useless. Judah’s disobedience to God resulted in many consequences; the first, and most obvious to the worldly mindset, is that God allowed Judah to be occupied by foreign countries. The children of God became slaves to a faithless nation. The more important concern is disobedience results in spiritual separation from God. This is truly tragic. Think of it like when a spouse becomes angry and chooses the sofa over the bed – it is not permanent but it is painful and hopefully thought-provoking. (Isaiah 29:1-33:24)

Read chapters 29 through 33 and ask yourself these questions: Who do you turn to when you need help? What warning of judgment is Isaiah giving? What message of hope is Isaiah giving?


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