Wednesday, March 5, 2025
DBR 2024


April 2, 2024

1 SAMUEL 16-20
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Today’s journey through 1 Samuel 16-20, is a study in contrast, contrast in character, contrast in faith, between King Saul and the shepherd boy, David of Bethlehem. As we consider these two men as we journey through the Old Testament, we learn that neither of these men were sinless before the Lord. It was how they responded to their sin that set them apart. It is what transformed shepherd boy David into a man after the Lord’s own heart.

Take some time to ask the Lord to reveal the true meaning of His word to you as we journey today through 1 Samuel 16-20. Read 1 Samuel 16-20, carefully listening for what the Lord may be sharing with you. Let’s journey!

The books of First and Second Samuel were originally one book, that was later split in two due to its length. Before the start of this book, Israel had resided in the Promised Land for some time, and we saw their continued moral decline under the rule of judges. The books of Samuel are books of transition. In these books, the 12 Tribes of Israel are united into one nation under one king. First and Second Samuel is a character-driven story, with the three main characters of Samuel, Saul, and David. These men, especially Saul and David, have their own character strengths and weaknesses. We are going to study these as we journey through their lives.

1 Samuel1 Samuel 16-20: Following the direction of the Lord, Samuel anoints David, a 16-year-old shepherd boy, to be king of Israel, and the Spirit of the Lord comes upon David. David, anointed by the Lord but not yet king, takes on the Philistine giant, Goliath, killing him with a single pebble from a nearby creek bed, as the army of Israel cowered in fear. Shepherd boy David is set apart from King Saul and the men who comprised the army of Israel through his faith in the Lord. King Saul grows concerned over the intentions of shepherd boy David, turned soldier of Saul’s army. The Lord informs King Saul, through the prophet Samuel, that he would not remain king. Saul’s actions show that he had no comprehension of God and God’s power. Throughout the rest of our reading, a fickle King Saul tries to entice David into his control through bribery, marriage to King Saul’s daughter Michal, and, when that didn’t work, King Saul decided shepherd boy David must be killed. The Spirit of the Lord had left King Saul and Saul had given himself over to unrepentant sin. (1 Samuel 16:1-20:42)

After reading chapters 16 through 20, consider the following: What strengths and weaknesses did you observe in the people in today’s reading? Did you see yourself in any of the characters you read about today? How so? What can you learn about your character from today’s reading? Reflect on your own character, is it all pleasing to the Lord?


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