Friday, March 28, 2025
DBR 2024


April 13, 2024

MARK 9-10
Click here for the reading

Our journey today begins, most likely on Mt. Hermon, with the transfiguration and concludes with Jesus, for the third time in the book of Mark, speaking to His disciples about His death. Next week’s study from the Book of Mark starts with Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday. This is not jumping ahead: it putting Holy Week into perspective. In the context of our reading for today, if we lived 2000 and a few years ago, tomorrow, Jesus entered Jerusalem as the triumphant King – only 5 days later, on Friday Jesus would die nailed to a cross. The story was only beginning.

Take some time to ask God for His understanding of Jesus’ journey, as we journey with Him in Mark 9-10. Read Mark 9-10. Let’s journey!

MarkThe Book of Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels and is believed to have been the first. Mark, the author, was not a disciple of Jesus, he was around during the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry and his mother’s home was often a place of gathering for the early church. Mark wrote his gospel, likely with the help of the Apostle Peter, for Gentiles, especially Romans, and it shows Jesus as the ultimate servant and a person of action. Around the time of his writing, Roman Emperor Nero had blamed this new Christian religion for the fire of Rome, which unleashed persecution against the church. It was amongst this era of fear for the new church, in which Mark wrote about the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Mark 9-10: As already mentioned, our reading today begins with the transfiguration. This is where Moses and Elijah meet Jesus on Mt. Hermon in the presence of His disciples, the ones He chose to accompany Him – Peter, James, and John. If they doubted Jesus is the Son of God – all doubt left at that moment. Jesus heals a boy whom His disciples could not. Jesus predicts His death a second time. Jesus warns against causing a believer to stumble. Jesus teaches on divorce and that your treasure is where your heart is. Once again, Jesus predicts His death. James and John make a request and Bartimaeus’ sight is restored by his faith. (Mark 9:1-10:52)

As you read chapters 9 and 10 of Mark, consider the following: The Gospels are about sharing the “Good News” with everyone we encounter throughout our life’s journey. We are not to dwell with sin but we are to share the “Good News” with sinners. Have you shared the “Good News” with someone lately? What have you learned today that you can share with someone you know?


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