Monday, October 7, 2024
IDPN 2024

International Death Penalty News 2024, Issue 30: Belarus, China, Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, United States of America

International Death Penalty NewsOn July 19, 2024, the German Foreign Ministry confirmed that 30-year-old Rico Krieger, a German national, was sentenced to death in Belarus. Belarus is the last European nation to employ the death penalty. Germany opposes the use of capital punishment in all cases. Rico was convicted and sentenced to death for “mercenary activity.” Additionally, he was charged with terrorism, creating an extremist group, illegal operations with firearms and explosives, and intentionally damaging a vehicle. Allegedly, Rico was working with a group that was supporting Ukraine against Russia. The Belarusian government has previously announced its support for Russia in the ongoing conflict that began after Russia invaded Ukraine. Before going to Belarus, Rico worked in the special security office of the US State Department in Berlin, before moving into the health care field, specializing in emergency medical care.

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, three people were executed using an unspecified method. Executions in China are often carried out by lethal injection or shooting. The three men have been identified as Iskandar Ehet, Turgun Tohtunyaz, and Hasayn Muhammad. They were convicted of “leading a terrorist organization and intentional homicide” by participating in a mass stabbing in Kunming that resulted in the deaths of 31 individuals.

Over three months ago, on April 17, 2024, 29-year-old Amin Mousavi Bakhshayesh was executed in Tabriz Central Prison. The father of one was convicted of murdering another person during a fight four years ago. He was sentenced to qisas at the request of the victim’s family, which can also choose to grant forgiveness or demand diya (blood money). If the convicted cannot pay the diya, they are instead executed. Amin’s execution has not yet been reported by state officials or the media.

On Thursday, July 18, 2024, Edris Jamshidzehi was executed in Zahedan Central Prison. He was around 45 years of age. He was arrested for the 2017 murder of a local Basij commander and a friend of Qasem Soleimani named Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi in Iranshahr.  Edris was then sentenced to qisas, that is retribution in kind. Under Iranian law, all killings are considered intentional murder, and mitigating evidence is rarely taken into consideration. After conviction, the family of the victim chooses between granting forgiveness, demanding diya (blood money), or qisas. The execution has not yet been reported by state officials or the media.

On Saturday, July 20, 2024, 40-year-old Mansour Tavakoli, 40-year-old Hamed Shekasteh, Mohsen Ostovari, and a woman identified only as Mahmoudinia were executed in Shiraz Central Prison. Mohsen was convicted and sentenced to death on rape charges. The other two men were each convicted on separate murder charges and sentenced to qisas. The woman, Mahmoudinia, was convicted of murdering her fiancé, whom her family was forcing her to marry against her will. None of the executions have yet been announced by state officials or the media.

On Saturday, July 20, 2024, Saeed Sepahvand was executed in Khorramabad Central Prison. He was convicted and sentenced to death on drug-related charges. His execution has not yet been reported by state officials or the media.

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, 30-year-old Danial Kazeminejad was executed in Kermanshah Central Prison. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to qisas, that is, retribution in kind. Danial was convicted of murdering Sajad Amiri, a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, during an armed conflict. Under Iranian law, all killings are considered intentional murder and mitigating evidence is rarely taken into consideration. After conviction, the family of the victim chooses between granting forgiveness, demanding diya (blood money), or qisas. State officials and the media have not yet reported the execution Danial’s execution.

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, 33-year-old Khalil Jamali was executed in Kermanshah Central Prison. Khalil was convicted of murdering his cousin four years ago. He was then sentenced to qisas, that is retribution in kind. Under Iranian law, all killings are considered intentional murder and mitigating evidence is rarely taken into consideration. After conviction, the family of the victim chooses between granting forgiveness, demanding diya (blood money), or qisas. State officials and the media have not yet reported his execution.

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, four men were executed in Ghezel Hesar Prison. Two of the prisoners have been identified as Davood Barahouyi and Mehdi Aliakbari Fard. They were convicted and executed on drug-related charges. The other two men were only identified as Afghan nationals. They were both convicted of murder and sentenced to qisas, that is retribution in kind. State officials nor the media have officially announced the executions.

On Monday, July 22, 2024, 30-year-old Hassan Falahi was executed in Qom Central Prison. He was convicted of murdering his brother-in-law about three years ago and sentenced to qisas. Under Iranian law, all killings are considered intentional murder and mitigating evidence is rarely taken into consideration. After conviction, the family of the victim chooses between granting forgiveness, demanding diya (blood money), or qisas. His execution has not yet been reported by state officials or the media.

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, seven people were executed in Birjand Central Prison. Three of those executed were women who have not yet been identified by name. One of the men has also not been identified by name, while the other three men have been identified as Amir Hamzeh Barahouyi-Mojarad, Moslem Heidari, and 33-year-old Vahid Vahdani. All were convicted on drug-related charges. None of the executions have been announced by state officials or the media. So far this year, at least 14 women have been executed in Iran. Additionally, drug-related executions have been on the rise every year since 2021.

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, a man identified only as Ramezan was executed in Mashhad Central Prison. He was convicted of murdering another 30-year-old man and was sentenced to qisas, that is, retribution in kind. Under Iranian law, all killings are considered intentional murder and mitigating evidence is rarely taken into consideration. After conviction, the family of the victim chooses between granting forgiveness, demanding diya (blood money), or qisas.

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, 40-year-old Kamran Sheikheh was executed in Urmia Central Prison. He spent the last 15 years on death row. He was convicted, along with six others, of moharebeh (enmity against god) and efsad-fil-arz (corruption on earth). Allegedly, he and others were tortured into confessing. The other six men have previously been executed.

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, six former students of Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia were sentenced to death for murdering navy cadet Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain. Zulfarhan died in the hospital on June 1, 2017. The six students have been identified as Muhammad Akmal Zuhairi Azmal, Muhammad Azamuddin Mad Sofi, Muhammad Najib Mohd Razi, Muhammad Afif Najmudin Azahat, Mohamad Shobirin Sabri, and Abdoul Hakeem Mohd Ali. The six students were initially sentenced to 18 years in prison, however, that sentence has now been overturned and the students sentenced to death.

On Thursday, July 18, 2024, Kitab Gul, a Pakistani national, was executed. He was convicted and sentenced to death for drug trafficking. Executions are usually carried out by beheading, however, the kingdom has recently been testing alternative methods.

In 2011, Kenyan national Steve Munyakho got into a fight at his workplace which resulted in the death of Abdul Halim Mujahid Makrad Saleh, who is from Yemen. After conviction, the family of Abdul agreed to spare Munyakho’s life if he paid diya (blood money). So far, Munyakho and his family have only raised of small fraction of the necessary money, which is due by November. He and his family are seeking help from fellow Kenyans.

The Federal government is opposing an attempt by Payton Gendron and his attorney to take the death penalty out of contention. Gendron, who is white, is accused of murdering 10 people during a mass shooting at a grocery store in a predominately Black area of Buffalo, New York on May 14, 2022. Gendron and his attorney have filed two motions arguing that he should not be sentenced to death due to his age. The federal government is arguing that Gendron is legally considered an adult and should be eligible for the death penalty. A judge will now decide the issue. Gendron’s trial is currently scheduled to begin in September 2025.

On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, a judge in Florida officially sentenced Patrick McDowell to death. McDowell previously pled guilty to the 2021 murder of Nassau County Deputy Joshua Moyers during a traffic stop about three years ago. Officer Moyers was shot by McDowell in the face and back before McDowell fled. He was arrested after a five-day manhunt. During his sentencing trial, McDowell encouraged the jurors to sentence him to death, asking them to “make me pay.” In April, jurors recommended, by a vote of 11-1, that McDowell should be sentenced to death. Now that recommendation has been made official by a judge.

For the first time in 14 years, Utah plans to carry out an execution. Taberon Honie is scheduled to be executed on August 8, 2024. Utah had planned to use a new lethal injection drug combination which would have included ketamine. Honie and his lawyers argued that the new drug combination would be insufficient to prevent Honie from feeling pain as the final drug is administered to stop his heart. Following the appeal, Utah officials agreed to forgo the new execution drug protocol and instead use a single drug for the execution. The single drug, pentobarbital, has been used in several states for executions. Honie is also seeking to have his sentence commuted.

In September 1998, Warren King was sentenced to death by a jury in Georgia. He was convicted of murdering Karen Crosby, a convenience store clerk, during a robbery. Now, King and his attorney are accusing the prosecution of hiding a plea deal with the only eye witness in the case. King robbed the store along with a second man, Walter Smith. Both were charged with the murder and King went to trial first. Prosecutors agreed to immunity for Smith if he testified against King at King’s trial. Smith testified that King shot Karen. Prosecutors did not inform the jury or defense attorneys that Smith was granted immunity in exchange for his testimony. It is required by law that this information be disclosed to the defense.

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