Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Power of Words

Power of Words – Conclusion

Throughout the past year, we have looked at the Power of Words – we started by examining the power of the spoken word when used by God, then contrasted it to the power of the spoken word when used by His enemy Satan.  We looked at how being silent is also an effective use of words, and how we are to tame our tongue and be slow to speak.  We examined how our words reflect what is truly in our heart.  We reviewed how words can be used to instruct and teach.  We observed how words can harm others and ourselves, yet words also have the power to encourage and heal others.  Words have power, they are a weapon and can be used in a multitude of ways, not all of which we have covered.

This study began with studying how words can create.  It was initially to end with how words can destroy, but, as you now know, we did not end there.  Prayer brought about the realization that destruction is not the end of the study, merely a stop along the way.  Our study ends where it began – in the beginning.

In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.  (John 1:1, AMP)

Words have power because, like all things, they come from the Lord.  They were there in the beginning, before Creation.  They became Creation.  With Jesus, words became living.

But what does that mean?  The words handed down to Moses and the Israelites, the covenant God had made with them, were no longer just words!  Jesus was the living embodiment, the fulfillment of that covenant.  Through Him, the ultimate perfect sacrifice, the covenant was fulfilled!  

In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.  (John 1:1, AMP)

Words have power! Words have the power to create! Words have the power to deceive and manipulate! Words have power in silence! Words should be used carefully! Words reflect our heart! Words have the power to instruct! Words have the power to teach! Words have the power to destroy others! Words have the power to destroy ourselves! Words have the power to encourage! Words have the power to heal!

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