Monday, March 31, 2025
DBR 2025


January 10, 2025

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Focus Verses for Today: Isaiah 9:6-7

Today we continue our journey through the book of Isaiah, who was a prophet of the Lord. A prophet is not someone who has supernatural knowledge of God and how He works. Isaiah, more likely than not, would have been an ordinary guy, getting up in the morning, brewing his morning coffee, peeking in at the children, and kissing his wife, before heading off to work at his chosen occupation each day. Except! Isaiah was chosen by God to be a prophet. As cool as that may sound, the assignment brought certain difficulties with it.

Take some time to seek God’s guidance and understanding for our journey through Isaiah 7-11 today. Read Isaiah 7-11. Let’s journey!

IsaiahIsaiah 7-11: The chapters of our journey today through Isaiah, mostly show God’s revelation to Isaiah of His displeasure with Judah for turning its back on God and accepting the sinful practices of other nations. God tells Isaiah that an attempt to take Jerusalem captive in 742 B.C., by Pekah, son of Remaliah King of Israel, and King Rezin of Aram would fail. They failed and Jerusalem remained part of Judah for many years after Isaiah’s passing. The birth of Immanuel is foretold, offering hope while judgment on Judah continues. Assyria will be defeated. Immanuel, Jesus Christ, will come not once, but twice! (Isaiah 7:1-11:16)

The Focus Verses for Today:

6For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.
(Isaiah 9:6-7, NIV)

Isaiah was an ordinary guy, with no supernatural understanding of the Lord, receiving this message to be shared with the masses. Now take moment and put yourself in Isaiah’s shoes. You tell the people of Judah that they are under judgment from God. You tell the people of Judah that Assyria, your captor, will be defeated. You tell the people of Judah that their future King, Immanuel, will be born. You tell the people of Judah that after Immanuel dies, He is coming back to life to judge them and set up another Kingdom.

You are still in Isaiah’s shoes, the children are tucked in bed, your wife has laid down, and you are in your favorite chair. You are tired. Your energy has drained from your body. You lean your head back in your chair. Your mind is empty. You are looking at the ceiling of the room as if it were a special celestial space – softly speak these words to God, “Help me understand.” Close your eyes, allow God to speak to you – don’t rush – don’t go off to sleep – what is He saying?


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