Tuesday, March 4, 2025
DBR 2025


February 2, 2025

ROMANS 11-12
Click here for the reading
Focus VersesFor Today: Romans 12:21

Today’s journey continues through the book of Romans, written by the Apostle Paul. Paul approaches the Jews as one of them – because he is! But Paul has also accepted the salvation offered by Jesus Christ, and he desires that all Jews should do the same.

Before we begin today’s journey through the book of Romans take a moment and pray, asking God to reveal His meaning of what you are reading. While you are in prayer, if you have something on your mind, take some time and share it with the Lord. It is always good to surrender your day to Him first thing! On to the journey!

RomansRomans 11-12: Paul expresses his concern for His people, the Jews, and desires that his people come to know Jesus as their Messiah. It appears that Paul believes Israel’s rejection of Christ is only temporary and Israel will accept Jesus as their Savior. Paul further explains that, when a person truly surrenders their life to Christ, their life is transformed. Paul teaches that true believers, those genuinely thankful, for God’s mercy, change their lives, forsaking living sinful lives, seeking instead to live a life that expresses true fellowship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A believer’s life will take on true humility, forsaking pride, with the understanding that all is accomplished through grace and mercy extended to them through God. (Romans 11:1-12:21)

Our focus verse for today:

21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
(Romans 12:21, NIV)

“God is Love!” Have you heard that phrase? Paul explains Christian love is more than a feeling. Christian love is not a passive verb. Christian love is an action verb. How do you overcome evil? God’s way? The world’s way? It is against human nature – that would be sin’s nature, Satan’s gift to humanity in the Garden of Eden – to genuinely care about those who heap evil on us. It is against human/sin nature to not rejoice (even silently counts) when an adversary receives a setback. That is Satan’s gift to you! Feels good, doesn’t it? Yep! We have all done it. The problem is, and it is a much bigger problem than we may imagine, feeling our sinful nature shine, is that it is not what God wants us to do. Are you transformed (Romans 12:1-2) or are you still living the sinful nature/human nature: Satan’s garden gift to you?


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