March 2, 2025
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Focus Verse for Today: 1 Corinthians 4:6
On today’s Journey Through The Bible In A Year, we are journeying through the city of Corinth, specifically visiting the church at Corinth. Our journey reveals that churches have harmony issues. Churches are a body of people. It is difficult for people to gather without people vying for position, which leads to positioning, forming cliques, leading to conflict. Let’s see how the Apostle Paul teaches them to restore harmony.
Before we get started on this journey, a very practical one for the churchgoers among this crew, let’s take a moment and ask God in prayer to help us understand His true meaning of this teaching and to help us grow our faith through it. Now open up your Bibles to 1 Corinthians 3-4 and read. Let’s journey!
1 Corinthians 3-4: Sects, divisions, were developing between members of the church at Corinth. The dispute centered on whether the church should follow the teaching of Paul or Apollos. At this point in the Church at Corinth’s history, it appears, that no one challenged Christ’s teaching as differing between the two men; only, which should be designated as follower of the church. (Some reading between the lines took place here) It appears some people liked Apollos more than Paul. It appears some people liked Paul more than Apollos. Paul clarifies that each person is the temple that contains and maintains their individual relationship with God. It is a warning as well as a clarification. We must nourish our relationship with God, bundling a firm foundation for our relationship with God through His word.
Paul stressed the importance of keeping everyone focused on the written word to protect the new church from false teachings that were on the rise, through charlatans of Paul’s day. The world really hasn’t changed much in 2000 years. The Apostle Paul shares the cost of discipleship with the Church at Corinth. Paul tells them that true discipleship is serving the Lord regardless of the cost. There will be times of suffering, ridicule, hunger, and possible loss of life. True discipleship comes at a price. Paul sends Timothy to shepherd the church at Corinth. Corinth was a new church. A church of young Christians. A church that needed guidance in their growth as new believers. (1 Corinthians 3:1-4:21)
Our focus verse for today:
6Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other.
(1 Corinthians 4:6, NIV)
Today’s journey was difficult for the people of the church of Corinth. It is still a difficult journey for us, as believers today. People, for the most part, need something to hold onto, something material to guide them. The Corinthians were debating between Apollos and Paul. Today, many debate the best celebrities, to whom we should listen for political advice. Why didn’t the Corinthians focus on following Jesus? Why don’t we? Is your faith relationship with your pastor, another person, no one, or with Jesus? Think it through before you answer. Who do you really worship? What do you really worship?
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