March 5, 2025
PSALMS 27-29
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Focus Verses For Today: Psalm 27:1,13-14
Once again, we return to the book of Psalms. Today’s Psalms were written by King David. The Psalms today focus on reliance on God for our deliverance and confidence in God’s providence. Today’s journey ends with David calling on all to worship the Lord, acknowledging His creation.
Take a moment to seek the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to give you His understanding, the true meaning, of today’s journey through Psalms 27-29. Is there anyone you know who needs some help? Ask the Lord to help them. Prayer is a conversation with Lord. Be sure and listen for His answer! Let’s begin our journey through Psalms 27-29!
Psalm 27-29: King David proclaims the Lord guides and protects him. He has nothing to fear. King David details the troubling things in his life from which the Lord will deliver him. David has confidence in the Lord. David prays to the Lord, asking for protection from the ways of the wicked. David acknowledges that his reliance on the Lord is his strength. David expresses the importance of truly acknowledging the Lord as Creator of all and attributes creation and control of the world to the voice of the Lord. This thought reflects back to Genesis 1, where God created the earth, and all that is in it, in six days. Genesis 2 begins with the seventh day. The day the Lord made for rest. (Psalm 27:1-29:11)
Our focus verses for today:
1The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
13I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
14Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.
(Psalm 27:1, 13-14, NIV)
David speaks of the Lord as being the beacon that he follows, the stronghold that anchors his life, directing David’s life decisions. David’s moral compass was the teachings of the Lord. When things are not going as we expect them to, it is easy to adjust what we are doing or more dramatically how we are living. King David’s life’s foundation was following the instruction of the Lord. He refused to alter his life’s foundation, the Word of God. David had many serious challenges during his reign as King of Israel. There had to be times when he thought God’s plan for him was coming to a conclusion. Regardless of the circumstance David always stood with the Lord. He never wavered. David was confident in the Lord’s plan even when, even when, even when, David did not understand the Lord’s plan. David’s foundation never shifted. David rode all the storms of his life with confidence the Lord would see him through them. Who, or what, is the compass, the foundation of your life?
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