March 9, 2025
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Focus Verses For Today: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
As we continue our journey with the young church at Corinth, we see that it is bogged down with problems impeding their spiritual growth and damaging their testimony. The church found itself struggling with how to deal with a case of incest and ongoing problems with sexual immorality. The church also found members taking other members to court regarding civil matters. The church at Corinth was imploding.
Take a few minutes and pray for God’s wisdom and direction for yourself as we journey through 1 Corinthians 5-6 today. Now read 1 Corinthians 5-6.
1 Corinthians 5-6: A person at the church of Corinth was engaged in sexual relations with his mother. This was happening while his father was still living. The Jeremiah Study Bible indicates the woman was actually his stepmother. It doesn’t matter. It is incest, a sexual sin forbidden by God. This person even bragged about it! The Apostle Paul directed the church to remove him from church fellowship until he repents. By removing this person from church fellowship, it is made clear that this person’s willful sin will not be tolerated in the house of God. The fellowship must protect other members, by forbidding those who brag about sexual immorality to fellowship with them. It also allows the person to consider his offense and repent, avoiding eternal separation from God. The church must enforce God’s law within its body. Civil disputes were also developing between members of the fellowship at the church in Corinth. Instead of taking their disputes before the elders of the church, they took them before civil (secular) courts. The Apostle Paul writes, that it is better to suffer wrongdoing than to take matters to a civil court. (1 Corinthians 5:1-6:20)
Our focus verses for today:
18Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 19Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
(1 Corinthians 6:18-20, NIV)
What is the Apostle Paul saying here? It sounds like he is talking about the condition of the United States of America. He is not! He isn’t even talking about the Roman Empire. He is talking about people who claimed to be followers of Jesus, fellowshipping with the church at Corinth. Is he talking about your church? Unfortunately, it is in vogue to excuse non-biblical standards within our church bodies and leadership. We cannot forgive sin. Only God can, so why do we believe we can excuse, possibly enable sin, by refusing to discipline sin within our churches? Does your church refuse to deal with adultery, fornication, or any sin for that matter? Maybe it is time for you to step up or walk away.
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