Florida Gives Edward James Execution Date of March 20, 2025
Edward James, Florida
Updated: Thursday, March 13, 2025
Edward James is scheduled to be executed at 6 pm local time, on Thursday, March 20, 2025, inside the execution chamber at the Florida State Penitentiary near Raiford, Florida. Sixty-three-year-old Edward is convicted of murdering eight-year-old Toni Neuner and her grandmother Betty Dick, on September 19, 1993, in Casselberry, Florida. For the last 29 years, Edward has resided on Florida’s death row.
Edward was born in Bristol, Pennsylvania. When Edward was 10, he discovered that the man he was living with was his stepfather. The next year, he met his biological father and moved in with him. While living there, he was introduced to drugs. During his mid-teens, Edward moved to Florida to live with his mother. Edward frequently used drugs, claiming to have blackouts often. He also became violent and angry, getting into many fights. He dropped out of high school in the 11th grade, obtained his GED, and joined the US Army at 17. Edward was sent to Germany, but quickly received a discharge under honorable conditions. After returning home to Florida, Edward became friends with Tim Dick. In 1993, Edward had met Tim’s extended family and retreated a room from Tim’s mother, Betty.
On September 19, 1993, Edward James attended a party at a friend’s home, about two blocks from the room he was renting in Betty’s home. According to others at the party, James appeared intoxicated, having drunk between six and 24 beers. He refused an invitation to spend the night. Another witness testified that they saw James take ten hits of acid that night. After leaving the party, James visited Tim for a little while.
After leaving Tim’s home, he returned to Betty’s house, where her four grandchildren were sleeping in the living room. One of the children woke when he came and stated that James appeared drunk and was laughing. He ate something in the kitchen before going into his room.
Later that night, he went back into the living room and grabbed eight-year-old Toni Neuner by her neck. He strangled her, claiming he heard bones popping in her neck. Assuming she was dead, James raped her before throwing her behind the bed. He then went into Betty’s room. Betty screamed when she was awoken, causing one of the children to check on her and witness James stabbing Betty. James took the child, tied her up, and left her in the bathroom. He then went back to Betty’s room and stabbed her again. James then took a shower and attempted to clean up and remove evidence. He then gathered his belongings, stole jewelry from the house, and Betty’s car.
On October 6, 1993, James was arrested in Bakersfield, California. He gave two confessions that were videotaped. James confessed that he had been using drugs and alcohol daily for over a month. He expressed shame for his actions, claiming to love Betty and the grandchild, feeling as if they were his own family. James testified that he did not know why he committed the murders but attributed it to his drunken state.
Autopsies determined that Betty had been stabbed 21 times and died from massive blood loss. Toni died from injuries related to her strangulations, however, she was alive at the time she was raped. It is unclear if she was conscious at that time. James was convicted and sentenced to death.
Please pray for the families of Betty Dick and Toni Neuner. Please pray for strength for the family of Edward James. Pray that James is innocent, lacks the competency to be executed, or should not be executed for any other reason that evidence will be presented before his execution. Please pray that James finds peace through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
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