Friday, March 28, 2025

Darius Kimbrough Executed in Florida

Darius Kimbrough, Florida

Darius KimbroughDarius Mark Kimbrough was executed by the state of Florida on November 12, 2013. He was pronounced dead at 6:18 pm EST, inside the execution chamber at the Florida State Prison, near Raiford, Florida. Darius was 40 years of age. He was executed for the rape and murder of 28-year-old Denis Collins on October 3, 1991, in Denise’s Orlando, Florida apartment. Darius was convicted after he was arrested for another rape in March of 1992.

Darius had no history of abuse growing up. His cousin was murdered when Darius was 16 years of age. Growing up, Darius won several talent show trophies for singing.

Please pray for peace and healing for the family of Denis Collins and for any others who may have been harmed by his actions. Please pray for the family of Darius.

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