Monday, March 31, 2025

Louis Gaskin Executed in Florida on April 12, 2023

Louis Gaskin, Florida

Updated: Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Louis Gaskin

Louis Gaskin was executed in Florida on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.  He was pronounced dead at 6:15 pm local time inside the execution chamber at the Florida State Penitentiary in Raiford, Florida.  Louis was 56 years of age.  He was convicted of murdering 56-year-old Robert Sturmfels and his wife, 55-year-old Georgette on December 20, 1989, in Palm Coast, Florida.  Louis spent the last 32 years of his life on Florida’s death row.

On the evening of December 20, 1989, Louis Gaskin was driving from Bunnell to Palm Coast. After arriving in Palm Coast, Gaskin saw that a light was on in the house of Robert and Georgette Sturmfels. Gaskin parked his vehicle in the woods and approached the house, carrying a loaded gun.

From outside, Gaskin opened fire, shooting Robert twice. Georgette attempted to flee, however, Gaskin shot her, before shooting Robert a third time. Gaskin circled the house until he could see Georgette again and shot her. He then broke into the house through a window. Finally, Gaskin shot Robert and Georgette each in the head. He then robbed the house.

Next, Gaskin went to eh home of Joseph and Mary Rector. As Joseph and Mary turned off the lights and prepared to go to bed, Gaskin cut the phone lines. He also through some logs and rocks at the house. Joseph went to investigate and Gaskin shot him from outside the house. Joseph and Mary were able to flee their house in a car while Gaskin continued shooting at them. Once they left, Gaskin robbed their home.

Gaskin then went to the home of Alfonso Golden, the cousin of Gaskin’s girlfriend. Gaskin stated that he wanted to leave some “Christmas presents” that he had “jacked.” He also confessed to leaving the homeowners “stiff.” After seeing the news, Alfonso called the police to report what he knew. Gaskin was arrested on December 30. He eventually confessed to the crimes, along with providing police with additional evidence. A jury voted 8-4 to sentence Gaskin to death.

In addition to the murders of Robert and Georgette Sturmfels, Gaskin was convicted on several other charges, including attempted murder, burglary, assault, and armed robbery. He received several life sentences and varying prison terms for the other charges.

Pray for the family of Robert and Georgette Sturmfels.  Please pray for Joseph and Mary Rector, and anyone else affected by Louis Gaskin’s crimes.  Pray for strength for the family of Louis. 

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