Saturday, March 29, 2025
DBR 2025


March 24, 2025

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Focus Verses For Today: Genesis 50:19-21

Today we will conclude our journey through the book of Genesis. God prepares his chosen people to leave Egypt to journey to the land He had promised them. Israel (Jacob) dies and is returned to Canaan. Joseph dies at the age of 110 setting the stage for the Exodus.

Take a few minutes to seek God’s true meaning of today’s journey. Read Genesis 48-50. Let’s journey!

GenesisGenesis 48-50: Today’s reading begins with Joseph learning that his father was ill and not going to live long. Joseph took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, and went to see his father. Manasseh and Ephraim were young. Israel (Jacob) blessed the boys, breaking tradition and giving the younger, Ephraim, the greater blessing. Jacob (Israel) calls his twelve sons to bless them as he prepares to die. His blessing revealed that Israel would be the united twelve tribes established through a specific son revealed in each son’s blessing. Bible prophecy – this came to pass. Jacob dies. Jacob (Israel) is buried in Canaan and Joseph returns to Egypt after his father’s funeral. It also continues to reveal Joseph’s relationship with God. Joseph died in Egypt but his bones would not remain there. (Genesis 48:1-50:26)

Our focus verse for today:

19But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 21So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.
(Genesis 50:19-21, NIV)

Joseph’s brothers feared Joseph held his wrath until their father, Israel (Jacob), died, and thought that Joseph would now unleash his fury against them for the wrong his brothers had done to him. Joseph didn’t see things the way his brothers did. Joseph saw the harm his brothers intended used for good by God, so many lives would – and were! – saved. Joseph lived his life to accomplish God’s purposes – not his own. In today’s Christian vocabulary, Joseph’s actions would be defined as surrender. Joseph understood that by surrendering his life to God’s purpose that he would serve the greater good. Joseph made a choice. His choice is defined by a question and a statement. Joseph made a choice. The question: What is God’s purpose in this? Joseph made a choice. The statement: I (Jospeh) will follow God’s direction to accomplish God’s purpose. Have you made a choice? Do you look for God’s purpose in the challenges that you encounter? Do you look for God’s direction to accomplish God’s purpose? It is time for us to look! It is time for us to act! Have you made a choice?


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