Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Christmas Gifts and Christmas Thoughts from TFFCM

The tree is decorated in lights and ornaments that were made and collected over the years from school projects and various places the family had visited. Stockings hang over the fireplace, with a nativity scene is on display across from the tree. Pieces of holly and branches from an evergreen tree are spread throughout the house, creating a wonderful aroma. Christmas cards from family and friends decorate the mantel. Then a child slowly walks through the house, taking one last look at the tree. He sees the lack of Christmas gifts under the tree before going to bed with a small grin on his face. He is excited for morning. What will it bring?

ChristmasAs he awakens, he realizes it is Christmas!! He jumps out of bed and, still in his pajamas, runs to look under the tree. Are the presents there? How many? How big are they?

What would your child’s reaction be if he ran out to the tree and saw that there were no Christmas gifts? What would your reaction be?

On December 21, 2000, Robert Rega and three friends were concerned over their lack of funds to purchase Christmas gifts for their children. They concocted a plan to rob a local motel and then recruited a fifth individual to join them. No one was to be harmed. Several hours later, a security guard performing his job, was dead. Instead of providing a happy Christmas for their children, Robert and his friends ruined Christmas for their families and the family of the security guard. Was it worth it? Are Christmas presents worth losing a lifetime with your children?

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, ESV)

What are we teaching children about Christmas? We are inundated with advertisements for Christmas gifts from Thanksgiving forward. And now, many stores are beginning advertising before Thanksgiving and beginning their sales on Thanksgiving! How can we focus on being thankful when we are worried about presents?

Christmas!!! With the pressure of buying presents finally behind us, we are then faced with the pressure of paying for the gifts which were charged to credit cards. It is exasperating! How can we enjoy the holiday when our focus is not on the Lord?

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus Christ was the long-awaited fulfillment of numerous prophecies. His birth was the beginning of providing salvation for all who accept His wonderful gift. Does your celebration of the birth of Christ share the Gospel?

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