Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Forgiveness Foundation Needs Your Help Now!

Do you know that The Forgiveness Foundation Christian Ministries, Inc., tirelessly researches everything that is available for you to read at It is our mission to present correct Biblical interpretation, which means hours upon hours of review and research before pen hits paper or fingers touch keyboard to draft an article that later appears on our website. We take our mission to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every non-believer and provide Biblical support to every believer throughout the world through World Wide Web very seriously here. 

If you visit for prison and execution news you need to know that before an article is printed we scourer every public government record available to share what the prosecution presented to the jury that resulted in the death penalty being handed down. It is important to us that, as much as possible, you see and feel what the jury, that convicted the condemned, said and heard. Regardless of whether the condemned is eventually executed our duty to share the Gospel with them remains. 

Jesus Christ shared the Gospel with two condemned men at Calvary. It is our mission at The Forgiveness Foundation Christian Ministries, Inc., to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those facing execution through our letter (mail) ministry.  Sometimes our outreach results in long term relationships with the condemned. Most times it does not.  Our duty to our Lord is to share and walk the path He provides.   

IDPNFor our friends in countries where execution information is not freely available or not available at all The Forgiveness Foundation Christian Ministries, Inc. provides a weekly update, International Death Penalty News, to keep all aware of executions and death penalty news throughout the world. 

Please consider a gift of any size to The Forgiveness Foundation Christian Ministries, Inc., to help us fund our ministry needs. Your gift is greatly appreciated.

May God Bless You!

For more information regarding how your financial support can help, please click here.