Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The Names of Jesus

What Is In A Name: Resurrection and the Life

Resurrection and the Life

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26, NIV)

Resurrection and LifeMary and Martha were devastated at the death of their brother, Lazarus. All three were strong believers in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and knew that if He had been there, Jesus could have healed Lazarus. But Jesus was not there. Jesus was elsewhere and did not come immediately to the aid of His friends. Instead, Jesus waited until after Lazarus had died to journey to him.

Martha went out to greet Jesus, noting that Lazarus would not be dead if Jesus had been there. Martha also acknowledged her faith that she would see Lazarus again. But Jesus was not going to make her wait. In His fifth I AM declaration, Jesus declared Himself the Resurrection and the Life.

Death held no power over Jesus. Jesus proved this first by raising Lazarus from the dead, and later, by defeating death Himself. Obviously, Jesus did and does not go around raising people from the dead all the time. Instead, in declaring that He is the Resurrection, Jesus was assuring those present, and all future generations, that we will be resurrected, just as Lazarus was resurrected. Although our earthly bodies will die, we will be granted new bodies, bodies which will not decay and die for our resurrection.

Jesus helped create life, all life including mankind. In declaring that all who believe in Him will never die, Jesus was not saying we will live forever as we are now. Instead, Jesus is offering hope to those in mourning who are missing the one they lost. While we may no longer be of this world, we will continue to live forever in the presence of our Lord God in heaven. Death will not defeat us.

So what does this mean for us? Jesus IS the Resurrection and the Life. There is no way to gain eternal life except through Jesus Christ. Our resurrection to our eternal bodies will come from Jesus Christ. Jesus’ question to Martha is a question to us all: Do you believe this?

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