Saturday, February 1, 2025
The Names of Jesus

What Is In A Name – Wonderful Counselor

Wonderful Counselor

For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
     Wonderful Counselor…
(Isaiah 9:6, NIV)

It’s the quintessential Christmas verse, quoted by pastors around the world during Christmas services, and in the weeks leading up to it. In this verse, four names of Jesus are mentioned. Over the next four weeks, we will look at each of these names individually.

There is a reason this verse is so iconic. First, we need to consider when this prophecy was given. Isaiah gave this specific prophecy during a time of great turmoil in Israel. The nation had turned its back on the Lord God, instead placing their faith in man, resulting in the success of their enemies and the capture of many of God’s chosen people. This prophecy offered a ray of hope to a desperate nation.

Wonderful CounselorGod was coming to save His people. And when He comes, His rule will be absolute. No more corrupt politicians. No more egomaniac dictators. No more earthly royalty. No more opposed people struggling to survive. No more apathetic people living their lives. God’s Appointed will rule absolutely, having the knowledge and wisdom of God Himself, for He will be God. The four names listed by Isaiah, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace, described the character of the coming King.

Our earthly understanding of the word “wonderful” is severely lacking in this context. The coming King will be so full of wonder that it is incomprehensible. Think of your best day – the day everything went right. Think of the time you felt the most content – not a care in the world. You might call that day wonderful. It will pale in comparison to the rule of the coming King. In truth, we cannot fully comprehend how wonderful Jesus is and will be.

When Jesus came to this earth as a man, He inspired wonder and amazement. He healed the sick – what a wonderful day for them! The lessons He taught left people sitting dumbfounded in amazement. Jaws dropped at His simplistic wisdom. His teachings were full of meaning and practical application, yet spoken in such a way the simplest person could understand and comprehend the meaning.

The second part of the name is Counselor. Counselors are often considered very wise and knowledgeable. Sometimes they are kings, such as King Solomon, and other times they advise the king. As Counselor, Jesus will be a wise king. None will be above Him. He will know the right course of action to establish God’s kingdom on earth.

So what does this mean for us? While Jesus has not yet returned to this earth, He remains our Wonderful Counselor. Got a problem? Take it to Him! Tell Him every detail, every concern, every worry, every fear, every thought. He wants to hear it! Pour out your heart, continuously, always taking time to stop and listen to what He is saying. Turn it all over to Him, let Him decide what to do. He will never guide you wrong. Our Wonderful Counselor is with us in every moment, waiting to be asked for His help. Are you seeking out the Wonderful Counselor?

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