Tuesday, March 4, 2025

71st National Day of Prayer on May 4, 2023

Thursday, May 4, 2023, is the 71st annual National Day of Prayer. Join with Christians around the world as we lift our voices in prayer to the Lord. The theme chosen by the National Day of Prayer Task Force for 2023 is Pray Fervently in Righteousness and Avail MuchThe verse chosen to highlight this theme is James 5:16b:

…The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (NKJV)

effective, fervent prayer… Our prayers should be never ceasing. God should be in our thoughts at all times. But to effectively and fervently pray is a different type of prayer. Think of Jesus, in the garden, shortly before His arrest and eventual death. He was praying effectively and fervently. He would not stop even to sleep. Fervency comes from the heart. Fervent prayers are prayers of passion. It is a heart-wrenching cry to the Lord. Our prayers should not be cold and stale, they must come from the heart.

a righteous man avails much…When we come before God with open hearts, truly seeking His will, He can use us to do wonderous things. But we must be open to hearing and obeying Him! Nothing is impossible for God. Pray fervently and watch what God does!

In 1952, President Harry S. Truman signed into law a joint resolution from Congress that established the National Day of Prayer as an annual event. The National Day of Prayer is founded on the constitutional rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It is more important than ever to exercise these freedoms and exalt the Lord through prayer.

Join with The Forgiveness Foundation Christian Ministries, and other Christians throughout the United States, for this National Day of Prayer. Open your heart to God. Pour out your soul. And let Him fill you back up!

As began in 2020, the National Day of Prayer National Observance Broadcast will take place on May 4, 2023, beginning at 8:00 pm Eastern time. You can follow along at https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/2023_broadcast. To learn more, visit the National Day of Prayer website, https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org.

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