Saturday, February 22, 2025
DBR 2024


February 18, 2024

ROMANS 15-16
Click here for the reading

Today, we conclude our journey through the book of Romans. What a journey it has been! Romans is a book that must be reread again and again. It is a book that requires much study, for there are many layers to the book. Paul is in Corinth, really wanting to go to Rome; but, Paul had received a significant financial gift, sorely needed, for the church in Jerusalem which he needed to deliver. Paul wrote the letter you have just finished reading, to the church in Rome. In these final chapters, you notice it is a winding down of affairs type of letter. That said the final two chapters of Romans contain some jewels of wisdom.

Take a few minutes to ask God to guide you through our study of Romans 15-16. Read Romans 15-16. Let’s journey!

As you read today’s reading, keep in mind the overall context of the book. This letter was written approximately 30 years after the ascension of Jesus Christ. Several years earlier, the Jews (Jews and Jewish Christians) had been forced to leave the city of Rome by the emperor. Following the emperor’s death, the Jews began returning to the city. This letter came to the Roman church at a time of change. A great amount of tension existed between RomansJewish Christians and Gentiles. Jewish Christians insisted that the laws of Moses, including circumcision and dietary restrictions, must be followed in order to gain salvation. Gentiles were reluctant to abide by the strict Jewish laws. One of Paul’s goals in this letter is to relieve the tension that exists between the two groups.

Romans 15-16: In chapter 15, Paul cautions mature Christians with regard to their treatment of less mature Christians. A mature Christian is to help less mature Christians overcome the burdens and obstacles that challenge their growth as Christians. This does not mean to overlook sin. It means to help the immature Christian overcome sin, leading them to a deeper more mature relationship with Jesus Christ. Paul writes of his desire to visit Rome. Paul concludes his letter, sending out personal greetings to all who have been helpful in his ministry. In the midst of these greetings, Paul cautions the church in Rome to be on the lookout for false teachers. Paul warns the church in Rome that false teachers will cause discord. He warns that they are seeking personal gratification and financial gain. Paul warns: stay away from them! They are not serving the Lord but themselves. (Romans 15:1-16:27)

Read chapters 15 and 16, and then consider: How do you measure the quality and character of your life? Are the Holy Scriptures the measure of the quality and character of your life? How do these final chapters, further Paul’s goal of joining together the Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians?


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