Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Ronson Bush Awaits New Execution Date in Oklahoma

Updated: Monday, September 9, 2024

Ronson Kyle Bush was scheduled to be executed at 10 am local time on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester, Oklahoma.  His execution has been stayed, pending a new execution date.  Forty-seven-year-old Ronson is convicted of murdering William “Billy” Edward Harrington on December 22, 2008, near Chickasha, Oklahoma.  For the last 14 years, Ronson has resided on Oklahoma’s death row.  

Ronson Bush sustained a head injury after being thrown from a horse in 1996.  Ronson had previously been convicted and served time for credit card theft, possession of stolen property, forgery, and burglary. During his time in prison, Ronson worked for the prison helping to train and care for dogs that are used for tracking and apprehending escapees.  He was released on parole three years into his 20-year sentence.  After his release, Ronson worked for his uncle delivering hay to dairies and ranches.  Ronson quit in August 2008, after beginning to have issues on the job, including being late.  Around that time, Ronson’s uncle also began to suspect him of drinking and using drugs.

Ronson Bush and Billy Harrington were friends for several years.  Billy frequently attempted to help Bush, who struggled with addictions, paranoia, and mental illness.  On December 18, 2008, Billy attempted to take an excessively drunk Bush to a hospital in Norman, Oklahoma.  Bush fought with Billy during the drive and eventually, Billy left Bush in a parking lot before heading to work.  That evening when Billy arrived home, he discovered Bush had hitched a ride back to Billy’s trailer.  Bush was passed out on the couch and Billy’s guns were placed around the trailer.  

Billy called the police and agreed to again take Bush to the hospital where Bush admitted himself for treatment.  On December 22, 2024, Bush checked himself out of the hospital and returned to Billy’s home.  He drank some vodka he picked up along the way.  The two men played with Billy’s dog, shot some guns, and Billy gave Bush a haircut.  

While talking, Bush mentioned getting a gift for his ex-girlfriend, Stephanie Morgan, and her son.  Billy attempted to talk Bush out of it, saying she had slept with multiple other men, including him.  This comment upset Bush, who grabbed a gun and began shooting.  Billy managed to make it outside where he collapsed for the final time.  After he collapsed, Bush tied Billy to the back of his pickup and dragged him to a field near the home.  During the time of the murder, Billy’s mother attempted to call several times.  Bush picked up the phone but kept putting her off.  Eventually, Billy’s mother called some friends to check on him.  Billy’s body was discovered in the field. 

After moving Billy’s body, Bush went to Stephanie Morgan’s home.  He broke into the unoccupied home and waited for Stephanie to arrive home.  While waiting, Bush drank more alcohol.  When Stephanie arrived home, she discovered Bush.  She was eventually able to leave with him.  Stephanie then contacted the police who arrested Bush at her home.  Bush was violating a protective order Stephanie had against him.  During his arrest, Bush also confessed to murdering Billy.

Bush was convicted and sentenced to death.  During his trial, he argued that he had bipolar disorder.

Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond has requested that several of the upcoming scheduled executions in the state be rescheduled to allow more time between them. Oklahoma’s Department of Corrections is currently understaffed and preparing for an execution is time intensive. Drummond’s request was granted by the courts. Several executions have been rescheduled, however many, including Ronson Bush have not yet received their new execution dates.

Pray for peace for the family of Billy Harrington.  Pray for strength for the family of Ronson Bush. Please pray that if Ronson is innocent, lacks the competency to be executed, or should not be executed for any other reason that evidence will be presented before his execution.  Pray that Ronson will find peace through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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