Friday, March 28, 2025

Jose Villegas, Texas

Jose Villegas, Texas

Jose VillegasJose Luis Villegas, Jr. was executed by the state of Texas on April 16, 2014. He was pronounced dead at 7:04 pm local time, inside the execution chamber in the Walls Unit of the Huntsville State Penitentiary in Huntsville, Texas. He was 39 years of age. Jose was executed for the repeated stabbings of his ex-girlfriend 24-year-old Erida Perez Salazar, her son 3-year-old Jacob Salazar, and her mother 51-year-old Alma Perez, who had banned Jose from her home. The stabbings, which resulted in their deaths, occurred on January 22, 2001, in Nueces County, Texas.

Jose’s father was an alcoholic and abusive towards his children. Jose’s mother died a prolonged and painful death from scleroderma, which required 18 amputations before her death. Jose dropped out of school after the 9th grade and worked as a cook, dishwasher, and laborer before being arrested. Jose was addicted to cocaine, marijuana, and alcohol. At the time of the murders, Jose was high on cocaine.

Please pray for peace and healing for the family of Erida, Jacob, and Alma. Please pray for the family of Jose Villegas.

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