Sunday, March 30, 2025
The Names of Jesus

What Is In A Name – Author and Finisher of Faith

Author and Finisher of Faith

…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  (Hebrews 12:1b-2, NKJV)

Quick! Think of your favorite novel! Why is it your favorite? Do the characters go on an exciting journey?  Is it a mystery with unique twists and turns?  Is it a comfort book, that makes you feel like everything will be alright?  Whatever type of novel it is, there is one thing they all have in common – each and every story has an author!  The author picks the path that the book, and the characters within, will follow.  The author decides the twists, the turns, the adventure, the choices made.  The author writes the story!

Author and Finisher of FaithJesus is the author of the Christian faith!  Jesus Christ came to this earth as a man to ultimately die for the sins of mankind.  However, before He could fulfill His role as sacrifice, thus fulfilling the Law of Moses, He had to teach people how to live in the new world He was creating.  His teachings created the foundation of the Christian faith.  Jesus is the author!

Jesus showed perfect devotion to His Father, the Lord God, while on earth.  He followed God’s laws and instructions perfectly.  He taught God’s will perfectly to the people.  Jesus’ actions also showed all what it is like to live a life in perfect harmony with God. Everything that we are asked to do for the Lord, Jesus did first, concluding with His death on the cross.

But Jesus’ work was and is not done!  As the finisher of our faith, Jesus will remain until all that is written in the Bible comes to pass and God’s word is fulfilled.  The Second Coming, the New Jerusalem, and, ultimately, the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom. 

So what does this mean for us?  If we do not believe in Jesus, in His death and resurrection, then we cannot be secure in our eternal salvation.  We must fix our eyes on Jesus, emulating the perfect life He lived.  We can also take comfort in knowing that Jesus has not abandoned us, as He has not finished His work.  Through the Holy Spirit, we can continue to rely upon Jesus whenever we need Him, for He is always there.  Are you placing your entire trust in the Author and Finisher of your faith?

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