Tuesday, March 4, 2025
The Names of Jesus

What Is In A Name – Master


24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.
(Luke 8:24, NIV)

For days, Jesus had been teaching to all who came to listen to Him. He freely and earnestly shared His wisdom in ways that His listeners could easily understand. But on this day, Jesus decided to sail across the lake with his disciples.  

Perhaps it was a sunny day, with a light breeze blowing across the lake. Perfect for sailing! He laughed with Peter and John as they set about launching the sails and readying the boat. Finally, they lifted anchor and sailed away. Jesus sat against the side of the boat, listening to the chatter of the men around Him. The warm sun shined on His face and the boat gently rocked, eventually lulling Him to sleep.

MasterBut then the sun faded and clouds appeared overhead. The gentle wind became a ripping wind. Big, fat raindrops began falling, quickly soaking everything. But still, Jesus slept. He knew He was safe, for His time had not yet come. His disciples, however, began fearing for their lives. And they ran to wake Jesus, with cries of “Master.”

Did they call Him Master because they knew He ruled over the winds and rain? Luke 8:25, tells us no. Did they call Him Master because of His great knowledge? Did they call Him Master because they relied upon Him to lead the way?

The Bible does not state why the disciples referred to Jesus as Master. Obviously, they expected Him to do something to save them, however, what He did – speaking to the wind and rain – was not what they expected. But their call was accurate. Jesus is Master over all!

So what does this mean for us? We all have storms in our lives. Perhaps you are in one right now! Jesus is Master over that storm. He controls it and allows it for a reason, according to His will. Do not try and control the storm yourself. You will fail. Surrender all fear, worries, and concerns to the Master. He will guide you through.

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