Friday, March 28, 2025

Brian Dorsey Executed in Missouri on April 9, 2024

Updated: Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Brian Dorsey

Missouri carried out the execution Brian Dorsey on Tuesday, April 9, 2024.  Brian was pronounced dead at 6:11 pm local time, inside the execution chamber at the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic, and Corrections Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri. He was 52 years of age.  Brian was convicted of murdering Ben and Sarah Bonnie in New Bloomfield, Missouri on December 23, 2006.  For the last 16 years of his life, Brian resided on death row in Missouri.

Brian had a history of depression, beginning in his childhood.   He began drinking in high school and became addicted.  Brain’s father was also depressed and an alcoholic.  Brian had a dysfunctional childhood, as multiple members of his family struggled with substance abuse.  Twice throughout his life Brian attempted to commit suicide.

By December 23, 2006, Brian Dorsey’s family was worried.  Dorsey had called several family members asking to borrow money to pay two drug dealers.  His cousin, Sarah Bonnie, and her husband Ben, went to Dorsey’s apartment in an attempt to help him.  After Sarah and Ben arrived, the two drug dealers at Dorsey’s apartment left.  Sarah and Ben then took Dorsey home with them.

The trio spent the evening drinking and playing pool, along with other family members.  Before playing pool, however, a shotgun had to be moved off the pool table.  It is estimated that Dorsey drank between seven and ten beers that night.  He also drank part of a bottle of vodka after everyone had left and the Bonnies went to bed.  

After drinking the vodka, Dorsey found the shotgun that had been moved earlier in the evening.  He then went into Sarah and Ben’s bedroom and shot them both while they were in their bed.  Both Sarah and Ben died from their injuries.  After shooting them, Dorsey sexually assaulted Sarah’s body, and then poured bleach on her.  He also stole several items from the home, including Sarah’s vehicle.  

Dorsey attempted to sell some of the stolen items that night to pay off his drug debt.  He also claimed the vehicle was his.  Dorsey was noticeably intoxicated and had a bottle of vodka with him.  

On Christmas Eve 2006, Sarah’s parents became worried when the young family never arrived at the family gathering.  The Bonnie’s four-year-old daughter told her grandparents that her parents had been locked in the bedroom all day.  After entering the bedroom, they found the bodies and called the police.  

On December 26, 2006, Dorsey surrendered himself to the police, admitting what he did.  Additionally, some of the stolen property was found on Dorsey.  Police were also able to locate Sarah’s stolen vehicle, as well as more stolen property from their house.

Dorsey pled guilty to murder in March 2008.  A jury then sentenced him to death for each murder.

Pray for peace and healing for the family of Ben and Sarah Bonnie.  Please pray for strength for the family of Brian Dorsey.

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