International Death Penalty News 2021, Issue 16: India, Iran, Malaysia, Myanmar-Burma, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United States of America
April 16, 2021
IDPN 2021 Issue 16

India: Bathula Nambiar alias Sujith has been sentenced to death by Mahila Sessions Court Judge G. Prathibha Devi for the burning his 29-year-old wife, Sailaja, to death on June 15, 2019. At the time, Sailaja was six months pregnant. Bathula was seeking additional dowry from his wife prior to setting her ablaze while she was sleeping.
Iran: On Monday, April 5, 2021, 36 year-old Zanjan native, Hojat Ghaed was executed at Zanjan Central Prison. Hojat has been in prison for the last four years. He is convicted of murdering a relative after they got into a verbal financial dispute. Hojat was sentenced to qisas, that is, retribution in kind.
On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, Baluch prisoner Yasser Daryayi-Narouyi was executed at Sabzevar Prison. Yasser was arrested on drug related charges over a year ago in Bardaskan. He was later convicted and sentenced to death. His execution has not yet been reported by domestic media or government officials.
On Thursday, April 8, 2021, 39-year-old Safar Rahimi was executed by hanging at Taybad prison. He was convicted on drug related charges. Prior to his execution, Safar was able to visit with his family. His execution has not been official reported by the media or government officials.
On Thursday, April 8, 2021, two men, identified by their initials only, were executed by hanging at Babol Central Prison. They were convicted of murder and sentenced to qisas, that is, retribution in kind. The two men, on November 3, 2013, entered the home of their uncle and his wife, murdering both of them and stealing gold bracelets and rings.
On Friday, April 9, 2021, Bayazid Rashidi-Hashtiani was executed by hanging at urmia Central Prison. He was around 40 years of age. Bayazid was convicted and sentenced to death on drug related charges.
On Monday, April 12, 2021, 39-year-old Mohammad Ghorbani Karimi was executed by hanging at Isfahan Central Prison. He was convicted and sentence to death on drug related charges. Prior to his arrest in 2015, Mohammad had a freelance job.
On Monday, April 12, 2021, Arsalan Moradi was executed by hanging at Birjand Central Prison. He was convicted and sentenced to death on drug related charges two years ago.
On Monday, April 12, 2021, Arsalan Zare was executed by hanging at Shiraz Centrial Prison. Arsalan, who was around 45 years of age, was convicted of murder and sentenced to qisas, that is retribution in kind.
Malaysia: On Wednesday, April 14, 2021, three people were acquitted of their death sentences for drug traffic charges. Judge Asisul Azmi Adnan ruled that the prosecution had failed to prove therir case against a crane driver and his wife, along with their friend.
Myanmar-Burma: On February 1, 2021, the military took over the government, ousting the elected president, and declaring martial law. Since then, there have been ongoing protests against the military coup that have grown increasingly violent. Now, a military tribunal has sentenced to death 19 people accused of murdering a member of the military, and wounding another. Of the 19 convicted, 17 remain at large. There have been no executions in Myanmar for the last three decades, despite the death penalty remaining legal.
Saudi Arabia: On Saturday, April 10, 2021, three soldiers were executed after being convicted of “high treason.” The details of the crime were not released. The men were not identified by name, however they did work for the Defense Ministry. Most executions in the kingdom are carried out by beheading.
Pakistan: Two Christian nurses, Maryam Lal and Newsh Urooj, could be sentenced to death for removing a sticker from a Muslim colleague’s locker. The two woman were asked to clean the locker and the sticker contained a verse from the Koran. The hospital where the women worked was besieged by riots, resulting in Maryam being stabbed and the police being forced to rescue the two nurses from the mob that was attempting to kill them for committing blasphemy.
United States of America: On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, Crosley Green, a former Florida death row inmate, was ordered to be immediately released from prison by Judge Roy B. Dalton of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida. Crosley was sentenced to death in 1990, by a vote of 8-4, for the murder of Charles “Chip” Flynn in 1989. Crosley, a black man, was convicted by an all-white jury. There was no physical evidenced that linked Crosley to crime. Crosley’s ex-girlfriend identified Crosley as the perpetrator, however first responders to the scene identified her as the likely perpetrator. The prosecution withheld this information from the defense. Additionally, the three witnesses who testified that Crosley confessed to them, later recanted their statements, claiming coercion by the prosecution. Crosley’s death sentence was overturned in 2007, and he was sentenced to life in prison in 2009. In 2018, Judge Dalton overturned Crosley’s conviction, ruling that the prosecution improperly suppressed evidenced. Judge Dalton’s decision was appealed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, who has heard the case, but has not yet made a ruling. Judge Dalton has ruled that Crosely is to be immediately released while awaiting the court’s decision.
A bill has passed the Nevada State Assembly, by a party line vote of 26-16, that would abolish the death penalty in the state and convert all death sentences to life in prison, without the possibility of parole. Now, the bill will head to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The bill has been received with mixed reviews in the state.
An ethics complaint against Judge Tracie Todd, a judge in Birmingham, Alabama, alleged that she abused her judicial power in manners related to capital punishment. Following an investigation by the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission Judge Todd has been suspended with pay. The Commission found that Judge Todd showed an apparent predisposition against the death penalty, ignored appellate directives, and showed a lack of appropriate demeanor to prosecutors.
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